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Cart #nilquesteasymode-0 | 2018-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Up/Down/Left/Right - move North/South/West/East
Z - Interact (Use / Pick up)
X - Use Item

The Story:

As part of the coming of age ceremony of your village, you are tasked with defeating the vile dragon atop the mountains north of town.

Your quest may be more complex than most as you were born blind, deaf, and without the sense of touch.

However, don't let that dissuade you! Where your senses fail you, perhaps your sense will prevail!
And so - your quest begins!

Easy Mode?

That's right! The original proved too hard to get started with, so this version contains some concessions to make that easier. The meat of the game is the same, so if you already beat the original, you won't find anything new here.

Just like the original, this version is completely safe-contained and requires only some programming knowledge to complete.

And unlike the original - for the first time ever - this version introduces startling 1x1x1bpp graphics!

Did I win?

If you have to ask, no. The victory screen is very explicit about it.

Looking for the Code button? Click here!

P#60357 2018-12-25 22:24 ( Edited 2018-12-25 22:44)

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Cart #59190 | 2018-11-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Up/Down/Left/Right - move North/South/West/East
Z - Interact (Use / Pick up)
X - Use Item

The Story:

As part of the coming of age ceremony of your village, you are tasked with defeating the vile dragon atop the mountains north of town.

Your quest may be more complex than most as you were born blind, deaf, without the sense of touch, and without the ability to feel pain.

However, don't let that dissuade you! Where your senses fail you, perhaps your sense will prevail!
And so - your quest begins!


P#59191 2018-11-19 17:16 ( Edited 2018-11-29 19:47)

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An implementation of standard-ish encryption using AES-256-CTR, PBKDF2 & SHA-256-HMAC


Q: What is the point of this? Is anybody expected to waste this metric ton of tokens on an encryption/decryption algorithm that's way too slow to run in pico-8?
A: That's not a question.

Q: Did you implement it from scratch? Are you aware that's that a really bad idea in cryptography, as your implementation is no doubt riddled with bugs and inefficiencies?
A: That's not a question.

Q: What's the password for the demo? Shouldn't the demo showcase successful decryption instead of a failure?!
A: That's not a question.

Q: #
A: 59190

A(cknowledgement): Demo uses print9 by qbicfeet for preddier text.

P#59188 2018-11-19 17:11 ( Edited 2018-11-20 02:07)